Friday, June 12, 2015

HR 2048. The USA Freedom Act

As with most bills the names have little in common with the content such as The Affordable Care Act and now The USA Freedom Act.  The affordable care act is neither affordable nor caring and from what I haven Seen on the freedom act has little todo with freedom and much todo with a transfer of power to international organizations and the President.

The GOP may be supporting the act in anticipation of regaining the presidency for the next 8 years.  A short term victory and a long term disaster for both our country and U.S.

We were promised transparency and change and what we have received is secrecy, a run away bureaucracy, a judiciary who now interprets, and a president who has little respect for his position or the constitution.  The GOP was put in power the last election cycle to stem the tide of change, but instead has embraced the concepts of secrecy, not reading or simplifying legislation, and the new government mantra of you have to pass it to know what is in it after redaction.

While the trade authority may be in the publics interest we will never know due to secrecy.  We do know regulations and laws passed in the past have created large bodies of regulations and cost which were unintended and unanticipated.

The real problem is public miss trust of our elected officials, the executive, the judicial, and the Bureaucracy.  Regulations, bills, and executive orders passed in the dark at the last minute with out public review, many times in secret and not read, and Have given the EPA and other agencies the ability to interpret, impose fines, create enforcement agencies, and in general run amuck.  The regulations and bills are so complicated as to require lawyers to interpret.  

I do not think this is what the founders had in mind and is the very thing they were trying were trying to avoid. This United States of America was built on the backs of hard working Men and women who were willing to die for what they believe.  Now we are the problem.

Just my thoughts.Fox News

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

obama's greatest accomplishment with help of republicans and democrats

the U.S. Is $817,000 Per tax payer in debt. Unfunded liabilities of the U.S. Government is over $96,000,000,000,000.00 and growing. U.S. Money supply is up Measured by m2 Up 151%. We are dead and do not even know it. It is mathematically impossible to pay the debt. Over half accumulated under Obama. He has accomplished his mission. Fundamentally changing U.S.