Monday, October 26, 2009

Healthcare is going to be great!

Healthcare is like a mushroom, the mycelium spreading insidiously below the ground, it's tentacles reaching out to find you and fine you for not having or billing you for having health insurance. You get pulled over for a minor traffic violation, the officer ask you for your health insurance card, it is not with you. Ouch $1000 fine and some fees thrown on by the locals.
Plus that cozy feeling of knowing my physical and mental health records are all safe with my own personal number that only I the government, and every heath official in the country can access.
This is going to be great!

O the stock market, I am out for now! Bulls make money, bears make money, and pigs get slaughtered.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fed Suggests Economy Is Stabilizing

The monetary aggregates have been flat for months, the problem will come when it is time to drain 1.5 trillion in liquidity from the market to return to a normal fed balance sheet and at the same time purchase a little over 1 trillion in mortgage back securities adding an equal amount of money back. One finds it difficult to think removing almost 3 trillion is very practical. A 1 per cent change in a 30 treasury will change the price almost 20 per cent for a retail investor and crush PE multiples when the yield curves shifts up from 0.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Is it our leader or us

All the option have been bandied about except one. Reduce spending. Both democrats and republicans agree on one thing government must be bigger. The difference being the kind of government. Republicans would have a; well I do not know. Not having heard the kind of government suggested by the republicans one can only guess it is not the democrat's idea of government. Leaving the R to be labeled by the smear of the day. In the same vein one must still admit government has become larger under both parties pacing being the difference.
No one republican or democrat has come to the forefront suggesting a reduction in spending; only a reduction in debt, implying a tax increase. No wonder anyone is having a hard time trying to identify with the republican party, it is ethereal. Reaching out to grab the latest news from the GOP finding only a vapor, listening to talk radio for fast breaking news which might stir the conservative base, craning my neck to see if there are other conservatives dissatisfied with the status quo. Old rich men who do not read bills, not senate seats, but senate institutions, institutions who write the senator's questions, write the legislation, read the opposition material only to have prepared questions read like a 10 year old reading college material regurgitated by the titular head of the institution.

Our leaders without or unable to express their own opinions or maybe unable to render an intelligent opinion, spewing drivel pumped out by both parties by fax each morning, no independent thinkers, no creativity, only followers. The leaders picked by the voting population shows how shallow the thought processes employed by the masses in choosing any leader. Names be not mentioned; both parties have pulled together candidates without merit on a state, local, and national level.
People who have painted their own backs and those of their friends, gone on to greener pastures with their new high contacts in government or business. Positions from which net worth can be created. One must ask how a simple person going into an elected position without much net worth can suddenly have over just a few years multiple a good salary and benefits in to tens of millions?
Our leaders, men and women who cannot under any circumstance even think reducing spending might be an option. Where is the outcry? Are we so mired in our own morass we close the eyes to the nation's wealth being flushed down the toilet, to indenture future generations with our own greed?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Howard Fineman is killing me

Both Obama and Palin have had approximately the same experience, one in government, the other in organizing and teaching. Neither posses the abilities of Nixon, no matter the opinion. Fineman why do you not compare Nixon with Obama as to experience. You compare apples and oranges, the article goes to show the truly inept choice America has made in choosing a leaders, neither have the qualities or the ability to lead and organize on a large scale level. Could you not have picked something more stimulating to write about but drivel.

Read the article if you dare!

Health Care Change

Let me explain health care very simply.

The redistribution of available resources across the bell curve. Very young (less than 2 or 3) and those older than 55 will have less of the available resources. Boards will have review over who receives what. Those who have a long life expectancy will reap the most benefits as your statically probability of living declines, so do your available health benefits. There are too many statistics on mortality and morbidity to assume they are inaccurate.

Call it what you will, you cannot enfranchise even 10 million people into a systems overloaded, scarcity will be created.

The largest portion of the US population is over the age of 55. Why should they not be upset?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

How will Obama's 4 years end?

Obama is going to be happy with an incremental increase in his agenda. In the video posted on Drudge Obama said it may take 10 or 15 years for a single payer system. Obama thinks long term, he is doing a full court press, there are 4 quarters, and there is still over a fourth of the year to go until the end of the first quarter. You have not seen anything yet!Obama is 48, able and willing to work 20 hours a day for the next 3.25 years in order to establish the progressive/socialist agenda upon which future generations can build. The questions you have to ask - Has Obama tried to ram a huge bite down the throats of Americans too fast? No time to wash it down and here comes another serving. How long until a political crisis upon which the national guard will be called out to quell the protest of those few radicals disturbing the change?Obama will at the end of his term will know all the state secrets, know all the dirty laundry of his opposition, and will have firmly establish his socialist agenda into the fabric of America. Soon we will have a American Socialist Party

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Local Fire dept. will lose $1 million in property tax revenue

The recent decrease in tax revenues to local governments has declined due to dropping property values, loss of sales tax, and a decrease in permits fees. Relief from a decrease in property value is sought from the county assessor, the process is slow and a fight in some cases, so even if property values trend up the revenues will lag. Compounding the revenue shortfall the state has now confiscated a significant amount of the revenue which were counted upon by local agencies, fire departments, and schools to name a few. It was not just the fire departments as the link to the article above does not cover, it will affect all locals governments across the board. Having spent a few years in the securities business let me let you in on a little secret.

Municipal bonds have gone underwater! Two examples of bonds issued over the last twenty plus years are below. The areas affected would be home additions built at the top of the real estate market, property values have decreased substantially, and there are numerous vacancies in the area. Was a fire department or other municipal facility built in conjunction with the new home addition? If so and you live in the area or own the bonds you may want to call your broker and check it out!

I've borrowed the definitions from a couple of places to be most exacting, but you need to seek the advice of someone knowledgeable in the area.

The Certificate of Participation is a financial document that is often employed when a municipal government or other government entity creates a bond issue. Rather than paying interest on the bonds or guaranteeing a face value at the end of the project, the investor receives a return based on the lease revenues associated with the offering. Making use of this process can work very well for the municipality, since it will free the issuer from restrictions on the amount of debt that can be incurred during the course of the project. In the unlikely event that the municipality defaults on the arrangement, the terms of a Certificate of Participation provide investors with the ability to assume control of the facility. Once the default is complete and the transfer of title is in the hands of the investors, they are free to do with the assets as they see fit. This includes the ability to either complete the facility and sell it to a private investor, or choose to band together and use the completed structure for purposes of their own.

Mello Roos Community buildings Districts called CFDs increase money through special taxes. They are organized to finance big enhancements and services inside the district which may include schools, roads, libraries, police and fire protection services, or ambulance services. The taxes are secured by a continuing lien and are imposed annually against property inside the district. It is important for CFD property owners to pay their tax bill on time. The CFD has the right (and if bonds are issued, the obligation) to foreclose on property when special taxes are delinquent for more than 90 days. Additionally, any costs of collection and penalties must be paid by the delinquent property owner.

Make the call folks, no one minds the store like the owner!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

Yeppers, the program works really well. I open up government store and give away $4,500 checks. Might have a line several miles long, as long as the government is giving away money it will work until all the people who can afford to buy cars have done so; then demand will dive. No cars will be sold! Why? Demand has artificially been pulled forward, creating a void in the future. At 5% interest on 30 years bonds x how much money.

As to the enviorment, buy the chucker, kill then engine, separate it from the body, crush it, put it on a ship, so China can melt it down, make it back into cars which will be sold back to us by GM in China, now let us pay the interest on the money for 30 years at 5%. Where does the solvent go after the engine is killed? Does is cost any co2 to ship the cars, energy to crush, gas to ship them to the crusher. Brilliant. You really believe the process saves anything.

Think people, think!

Another bight idea sponsored by the government. Kick em all out!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Prison Reform

I think all people in prison should be forced to smoke pot each day at regular intervals. Instead of working out and fighting. There would be a lot of guys with the munchies, fighting would be over food; besides what guy wants to have sex with a very large stoned man in prison?

When they get out just keep giving them stamps for pot, food, and cable. No recidivism for a fraction of the price. They are all stoned and overweight. Problem solved! Next?

We must think!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Biden's Candor a Persistent Challenge for Obama

It is in the nature of jesters to speak their minds when the mood takes them, regardless of the consequences. They are neither calculating nor circumspect, and this may account for the "foolishness" often ascribed to them. Jesters are also generally of inferior social and political status and are rarely in a position (and rarely inclined) to pose a power threat. Riddle me this.

Who is the greater king's jester Biden or Gibbs?

Foolery, sir, does walk about the orb like the sun, it shines everywhere. —William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

Robin Hood

Monday, July 27, 2009

Howard Fineman, heathcare and stocks

Mr. Fineman,

Now is seems the tide is against the President or haven't you noticed? The President's goal of riding a wave into history (read the linked article) will be great for readers in the future, but is it really the quality people want in a President of the United States? The President has divided the country into a million pieces, each of us pitted against the other, the have's vs. the have not's, the white against any one of color, the rich vs. the poor, ACORN vs. Glen Beck, the senate vs. the house, republicans vs. democrats, media vs. media, and now the insured vs. the uninsured.

Divide and conquer is the mantra, a government entity for every color, religious persuasion, sexual preference, the rich, the poor, financial regulation, health care (one for each malady); do anything to keep the eyes off the real change. The centralization of powers in the Presidency through the use of czars. Soon there will be a media czar to make sure everything is fare and Mr. Fine man will yell about his rights being quieted; but there will be no one to listen!

Back in March ( I think) S&P500 was around 665, suggested might be time to buy some stocks. Were up 300 S&P points and I do not think the rally is over. Do not like why it is going up, but who is to complain. As long as President Obama's agenda is going poorly, the congress remains impudent, and no other great calamity occurs stay with the trend, it is your friend, no matter what you think about the economy or politics. How much? Maybe 1100 or so, I would be taking money off the table if indeed a rally does happen, Things to remember - it is seasonable a week time of the year - you could see a pullback first, only play it if you are nibble. Individual issues will do better than indexes, interest rates should be rising at the same time. The market climbs a wall of worry.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hail to the King

The press has not yet realized President Obama is skipping the press and going directly to the people through mass media and free no question ask appearances on the 3 minor networks.
When Louis the 14th set up his monarchy he went directly to the people, the revolution in France - Bonaparte went straight to the people, the same in the former USSR. Louis also had a Rahm, Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu. He sought to consolidate royal power and crush domestic factions. By restraining the power of the nobility, he transformed France into a strong, centralized state, he made the gathering of taxes more efficient; but he needed more money to fund his programs; so he raised taxes and set up leaders to represent him in different areas, sort of like czars. Now the people did not need local leader, government was centralized. He had the money to fund his programs, the right of coinage, control of the dispensing of justice, and an army to enforce the laws. Kind of like a new national police force, the fed printing money wildly, stacking the court, making nuclear decisions without consulting congress, setting up over 30 czars covered by executive privilege. It all rings of a monarchy to me. President Obama believes he is amoung equals when with heads of state, any head of state; as the old saying goes a king among kings, we are all equal.
Shakespeare wrote 23 plays 10 had to do with the problems of kingship, one of Shakespeare great worries; his other worry was his adorers. Might President Obama’s worries be the same?

Welcome to the USSA!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cyber attacks on the US

What happened to all the great technological gurus in the current administration. They are only savvy when it comes to a blackberry or twitter. When it comes to real security the clarion call is to cut spending as fast as possible to redeploy those assets to new social benefits programs. It scares me to know President Obama and his friends are now the keepers of our nation secrets. The damage these people could do while in and after leaving office is beyond belief. President Obama is a deconstructionist and it takes a destructive force to tear something apart. The trouble is breaking people into small social groups pitting them against one another in current legislation to gain votes or remain in power is in itself destructive. Breaking the constitution down to para phrases and somehow redefine the whole also allows for a lack of a cohesive document to guide us all. Somewhat analogous to putting a puzzle together with millions of pieces. You very well may not lose one piece, but somehow the picture does not look to same all cobbled together.

Robin Hood

Obama & his sovereign partners

Most nations are sovereign nations - meaning that the state come first at the expense of all else including citizens. This is how President Obama views his position in relation to the citizens. The basic tenant of the Democratic party is the leaders know better what the population needs. The evidence is the 21 czars he has appointed outside the 3 branches of government which have the claim of executive power and the right to withhold information with the same. The fact President Obama is coordinating with other sovereign leaders is no surprise.

Bird of a feather flock together!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Senator Franklen

Today a picture appeared of Sen. Franklen and his wife, with the Senator holding a bible. Sen. Franklen swore an oath on a Bible he frequently mocks, to a country he routinely routed on Air America, and now wants me to believe he has earned a position of prominence in politics.

Most humour is a result on insecurity, being on the spot, not knowing what to say, a way to leave a subject which one is not comfortable. Humours segways to serious subjects or serious subject to meaningless humour. The proof will be how he comports himself in the news, on the floor, and at home. The legislation he initiates (not endorses), how he leads in a position not earned on a senate committee. Is Senator Franklen the present the senate majority needs to solidify a their hold on legislation or is he a bad present wrapped in a pretty face as he referenced himself?

Robin Hood

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fallacy of Logic

It seems in politics fallacies of logic are common. Today Senator Pelosi reach deep into the fallacy bag of tricks and used Proof by verbosity, sometimes colloquially referred to as argumentum verbosium - a rhetorical technique that tries to persuade by overwhelming those considering an argument with such a volume of material that the argument sounds plausible, superficially appears to be well-researched, and it is so laborious to untangle and check supporting facts that the argument might be allowed to slide by unchallenged. Chris Matthews favorite when it comes to the President is Style over substance fallacy: occurs when one emphasizes the way in which the argument is presented, while marginalizing (or outright ignoring) the content of the argument. Several other commonly use fallacies of logic are appeal to the masses (everyone else is doing it) and appeal to higher authority (The Pope does it so it must be good.)

When it comes to President Obama appeal to higher authority is not an option; unless it might be to God. Saying other world leaders are doing something might be a case of appeal to higher authority or appeal to the masses. President Obama's use of logic is depends on the subject. When it comes to energy, food, climate he uses Naturalistic fallacy: a fallacy that claims that if something is natural, then it is "good" or "right". Several others use by the President and the administration are:
  • Appeal to motive: where a premise is dismissed, by calling into question the motives of its proposer
  • Appeal to novelty: where a proposal is claimed to be superior or better solely because it is new or modern
  • Appeal to poverty (argumentum ad lazarum): thinking a conclusion is correct because the speaker is financially poor or incorrect because the speaker is financially wealthy
  • Appeal to wealth (argumentum ad crumenam): concluding that a statement is correct because the speaker is rich or that a statement is incorrect because the speaker is poor
When there is no logic for an action one can only resort to defense. The common defense mechanism for both the President and the administration is projection. Claiming the problems currently haunting the country were inherited, each member of the current administration in fact helped create the problems facing society today. President Obama was a senator and very aware of the problems of today, he voted or did not vote on many issues, he was one of the 50 most senior representatives of the entire population of the United States as are the list of characters (in one way or another)who surround the President today. Can you really claim George did it all? Your administration have attributed to President Bush all of the problems accumulated over the last several years without admitting any complicity.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Abortion Drives Politics

Politicians have a propensity to use statistics to pit those who have something against those who do not by measuring our differences, pointing them out in the form of legislation designed to narrow the differences and gain votes. When is comes to abortion the government is silent on statistics; since roe vs wade there have been over 40,000,000 abortions, let us do a little statistical extrapolation and say the decision goes the other way.

Today of the total 10% of those were eliminated by mortality, 10% were unproductive due to physical or mental morbidity, and 10% fell off the end of the earth, leaving 28,000,000 people left to grow the population of the US. Those people would have been born in the US, educated in the US, made scientific discoveries we will never know, been the next great world leader, the list goes on. Now economically those people would be paying taxes into the social security system, corporate taxes, personal taxes, estate taxes. So how do we fill the hole?

Allow an equal number of people to cross our boarders over the same number of years, most not in the systems, working for cash, sending a good part of it home, operating small businesses out of homes for cash in the cash economy. The over crowding in California prison system is around 30%, the percentage of foreigners in prison system 30%. The overcrowding in schools, hospitals, the burden of federal mandated programs all statistical equate with the number of foreigners in the respective region.

The democrats want the foreigners made citizens for the votes, both the Democrats and the republican want them to save social security and to keep wages down. We import labor by exporting our manufacturing as GM seeks government assistance, the plan is to move more manufacturing jobs overseas where production cost are less. I hear no outcry from either party on this issue. Between those allowed into the states via illegal entry, those entering the country under work visas who are highly skilled who are willing to work for less, and those jobs exported over seas there is little motivation to increase wages for middle class Americans.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Who will buy my tuppins?

Comment by Robin on Newsweek article

Now, The Hard Part

by Howard Fineman

Dear Howard,

President O reached as far left as he could, Second point - he met with Republican leaders and corporate executives. When did this take place, was it in proportion to the time spent with democrats? Are you rewriting history or do you know something I do not? Are these the premise for the article? As to approval ratings: the item left out is often as important as the item mentioned. President O's disapproval rating is at 50% on handling the economy.

Meteoric rises are most often followed by at least a reversion to the mean, sometimes hard, like the crash in stocks or real estate. Stats are Stats. I believe the top has been rung in President O's ratings and there is no place to go but down and sideways. The problems stated in the article are true, but his real economic rating in the world will be tracked by the 10 year treasury note rate. A one percent rise in the rate will change the price over 10%, who will buy my tuppins?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Class Warfare

My first post outlined why I believe wages will rise. Little did I know at the time the agency of the change would not be supply and demand, but the redistribution of wealth through the executive branch. In the end the current policies ensure that the economic cycle will take much longer than it might have normally to reach the next peak in the earnings cycle.

The carbon tax is most insidious, permeating every thing we do which expends energy, it will fall on the poor as a percentage of income, estimates as high 6.9% for low wage earners and 1.9% for high. 135 dollars per month on a wage of $2000.00 per month, two weeks wages per year. Uhm! Looks to me like another decrease in purchasing power needed to be overcome by a future wage increase.

The increase in the debt, taxes, and maybe worse of all an increase in fees charged by local governments. In some case minor traffic tickets are over $500.00 in California, fees for a water meter over $10,000, fee for applying for a permit - through the roof, state a local bond issuance. It will come to an end. The increase in debt is a parabolic growth rate and will crash. Come to an abrupt halt, when others are tired of holding deflating dollars and stop buying our debt and we are tired of the every increasing cost of the government burden. It can't happen! It has over and over through out history.

Rome was built and rebuilt. The coin of the realm begins as pure gold, the tax collectors trim off a little piece, now the price of a loaf of bread is one whole coin or two cut coins. Cut coins made illegal, so they were shaved, again made illegal, and ridges were added to the coins. The Senate gets in on the act buy adding alloys to the gold they can make it go farther next time taxes are collect and it will be to hard to cut, shave, or melt. At the same time the workers figure out they can vote, they vote benefits to themselves and the decline continues. Rome took a thousand years to build, due to the velocity of money we could in fact replicate the whole cycle in 2 or 3 hundred.

Bottom line inflation will come and the working people need a raise. It would have been far more expedient to mandate a $5 dollar an hour wage increase for every worker in America implemented $1 per year for 5 years. Might have cost less and would have been far more beneficial in liquefying Americans and therefore big business.

Aristotle said governing should be left to the middle class, if this is true it is time to stand up and be counted.

Robin Hood

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What to expect

Corporations and businesses are having to deleverage and are doing so with the help of the government; individuals balance sheets are still a mess and the process of reliquifyng and deleveraging will take a long time - years. The increase in federal and state taxes, the increase in fees for state services (CA DMV doubled the tax), fees for country services, increase in mandate cost for accepting federal assistance, increase in medical cost, pet project of our leaders; coupled with paying down individual debt and increased saving will require a substantial period of time or a substantial increase in wages. More than likely a combination of both, if the average earner's fixed expenses increase $600 per month a 5 dollar an hour raise would be required over the net five years to keep with inflation.

The economic cycle is still not ripe for stock pickers. Price earning multiples are still very high, earnings growth is low, money flows are out of equities and back into banks; the opposite of the disinter mediation (banks to equities) which occurred in the 80's through early 2000's. Historically stocks have been undervalued at 10 times earnings and a 6% dividend. The dividend looks high but is now under attach with a barrage of cuts from large institutions. Equivalent to a value trap with low price earnings multiples. These levels will not be achieved until the net time interest rates peek. Inflation is the next cycle. A 1% move on a 30 year government bond changes the price by 20% not including interest. The repricing of debt will force a repricing of the equity markets and drive price earnings to the ultimate cycle lows and dividends to their highs.

All this will play out regardless of what the government does, all the government can do is slow down or speed up the process. How long If one is optimistic and a democrat that would be 2 or 3 years, so the tax increases can take effect, if a republican 3 or 4, so they can take back the majority.

While my prophetic abilities are not keen, my ability to predict the markets far in advance is acute. Some crzy event could circumvent the market finishing the cycle it's completed so many times before such as: a long term agreement in the mid east, a break through in a new technology, a true Congressional effort to change government to be more effective, an energy alternative. Most of these are long shots

Now the so what:

A long term cycle market low would be 50% below current levels

There will be a substantial rally from a deeply over sold level soon were are at 695 on the s&ps now. Rate will rise while this happens because it looks like growth but turns into inflation and the process will compete itself. Assets of corporations will be inflated by the inflation, debt will be diminished by the inflation, balance sheets pristine, p/es will be low and dividends high, individual saving will have increased, debt reduced, and we will again consume when the next demographic trend drives the necessity.

10 year government Interest rates could rise to 4 or 5 per cent and 30's in the 5 to 6 range

A free and clear home might be more important than funding a pension account

preserve capital
yield will be a large determinate of total return - ladder maturities
be able or willing to hedge if you have a large exposure to equities
Trade the large swings which will happen
buy little increments of those companies who will lead the next market cycle up

How this might or might not play in a biblical sense I am unsure, but must assume the largest cost to the world right now is the 10/40 window. The unused assets in Africa (ie natural resources, cheep labor, cheep real estate), the cost of the unrest in North Africa, the battle on terror around the world, the instability in the price of oil. My guess is money has historically gravitated to the highest return. Arabs financed Spain, Spain Financed England, England, France and Spain the US, The US financed Japan, Japan and the US funded China, My guess is China funds Africa.

The 2012 date would be good timing for a return to a more stable economy, but one that may be very different than the one we have known. Our parents wealth will have been transferred to us, we are at our peek earnings years, our grandchildren will no longer be small children, the demographics of society will change, we had much fewer children than our parents, there will be 1 person working for every 4 on social security unless we continue the unabated migration from the south and incorporate them into FICA.

Robin Hood