Friday, July 31, 2009

Cash for Clunkers

Yeppers, the program works really well. I open up government store and give away $4,500 checks. Might have a line several miles long, as long as the government is giving away money it will work until all the people who can afford to buy cars have done so; then demand will dive. No cars will be sold! Why? Demand has artificially been pulled forward, creating a void in the future. At 5% interest on 30 years bonds x how much money.

As to the enviorment, buy the chucker, kill then engine, separate it from the body, crush it, put it on a ship, so China can melt it down, make it back into cars which will be sold back to us by GM in China, now let us pay the interest on the money for 30 years at 5%. Where does the solvent go after the engine is killed? Does is cost any co2 to ship the cars, energy to crush, gas to ship them to the crusher. Brilliant. You really believe the process saves anything.

Think people, think!

Another bight idea sponsored by the government. Kick em all out!