Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Senator Franklen

Today a picture appeared of Sen. Franklen and his wife, with the Senator holding a bible. Sen. Franklen swore an oath on a Bible he frequently mocks, to a country he routinely routed on Air America, and now wants me to believe he has earned a position of prominence in politics.

Most humour is a result on insecurity, being on the spot, not knowing what to say, a way to leave a subject which one is not comfortable. Humours segways to serious subjects or serious subject to meaningless humour. The proof will be how he comports himself in the news, on the floor, and at home. The legislation he initiates (not endorses), how he leads in a position not earned on a senate committee. Is Senator Franklen the present the senate majority needs to solidify a their hold on legislation or is he a bad present wrapped in a pretty face as he referenced himself?

Robin Hood