Friday, July 31, 2009
Cash for Clunkers
As to the enviorment, buy the chucker, kill then engine, separate it from the body, crush it, put it on a ship, so China can melt it down, make it back into cars which will be sold back to us by GM in China, now let us pay the interest on the money for 30 years at 5%. Where does the solvent go after the engine is killed? Does is cost any co2 to ship the cars, energy to crush, gas to ship them to the crusher. Brilliant. You really believe the process saves anything.
Think people, think!
Another bight idea sponsored by the government. Kick em all out!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Prison Reform
When they get out just keep giving them stamps for pot, food, and cable. No recidivism for a fraction of the price. They are all stoned and overweight. Problem solved! Next?
We must think!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Biden's Candor a Persistent Challenge for Obama
Monday, July 27, 2009
Howard Fineman, heathcare and stocks
Mr. Fineman,
Now is seems the tide is against the President or haven't you noticed? The President's goal of riding a wave into history (read the linked article) will be great for readers in the future, but is it really the quality people want in a President of the United States? The President has divided the country into a million pieces, each of us pitted against the other, the have's vs. the have not's, the white against any one of color, the rich vs. the poor, ACORN vs. Glen Beck, the senate vs. the house, republicans vs. democrats, media vs. media, and now the insured vs. the uninsured.
Divide and conquer is the mantra, a government entity for every color, religious persuasion, sexual preference, the rich, the poor, financial regulation, health care (one for each malady); do anything to keep the eyes off the real change. The centralization of powers in the Presidency through the use of czars. Soon there will be a media czar to make sure everything is fare and Mr. Fine man will yell about his rights being quieted; but there will be no one to listen!
Back in March ( I think) S&P500 was around 665, suggested might be time to buy some stocks. Were up 300 S&P points and I do not think the rally is over. Do not like why it is going up, but who is to complain. As long as President Obama's agenda is going poorly, the congress remains impudent, and no other great calamity occurs stay with the trend, it is your friend, no matter what you think about the economy or politics. How much? Maybe 1100 or so, I would be taking money off the table if indeed a rally does happen, Things to remember - it is seasonable a week time of the year - you could see a pullback first, only play it if you are nibble. Individual issues will do better than indexes, interest rates should be rising at the same time. The market climbs a wall of worry.

Friday, July 17, 2009
Hail to the King
When Louis the 14th set up his monarchy he went directly to the people, the revolution in France - Bonaparte went straight to the people, the same in the former USSR. Louis also had a Rahm, Cardinal-Duc de Richelieu. He sought to consolidate royal power and crush domestic factions. By restraining the power of the nobility, he transformed France into a strong, centralized state, he made the gathering of taxes more efficient; but he needed more money to fund his programs; so he raised taxes and set up leaders to represent him in different areas, sort of like czars. Now the people did not need local leader, government was centralized. He had the money to fund his programs, the right of coinage, control of the dispensing of justice, and an army to enforce the laws. Kind of like a new national police force, the fed printing money wildly, stacking the court, making nuclear decisions without consulting congress, setting up over 30 czars covered by executive privilege. It all rings of a monarchy to me. President Obama believes he is amoung equals when with heads of state, any head of state; as the old saying goes a king among kings, we are all equal.
Shakespeare wrote 23 plays 10 had to do with the problems of kingship, one of Shakespeare great worries; his other worry was his adorers. Might President Obama’s worries be the same?
Welcome to the USSA!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Cyber attacks on the US
Robin Hood

Obama & his sovereign partners
Bird of a feather flock together!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Senator Franklen
Most humour is a result on insecurity, being on the spot, not knowing what to say, a way to leave a subject which one is not comfortable. Humours segways to serious subjects or serious subject to meaningless humour. The proof will be how he comports himself in the news, on the floor, and at home. The legislation he initiates (not endorses), how he leads in a position not earned on a senate committee. Is Senator Franklen the present the senate majority needs to solidify a their hold on legislation or is he a bad present wrapped in a pretty face as he referenced himself?
Robin Hood